We have been getting a ton of questions about Lashify and similar DIY lash extensions, so it is only right that we examine this matter in further detail and highlight some pros and cons.
1)Their bond does not contain Cyanoacrylate (main ingredient in lash adhesives), so if you are allergic to traditional lash extensions, this might be a good option for you.
2) Convenience. You can do them wherever you want. Whenever you want.
3) Good for sensitive eyes & contact wearers.
1) it is not waterproof. Given the lack of cyanoacrylate, the adhesives used in the DIY kits are water resistant but not waterproof. So unless you want to lose one of them on vacation, i would go with the regular extensions instead.
2) Application. I am a lash artist, and I found it very challenging to apply them. Also the under the lash line placement makes it easier to damage your eye and the sensitive skin around the base of your lash line.
3) The website says that you can wear them for up to 10 days, which will most definitely damage your natural lashes. The DIY lashes are applied in large patches, which tether themselves to 10-30 of your own lashes. Of these lashes 40% will be in the anagen stage (meaning they are actively growing). The rest will be in telogen and catagen stage (meaning that they are not). All of the lashes that are growing will pull on the lashes that are not over the course of 10 days and can cause a ton of damage.
4) Which then brings me to my next point -price. The initial kit is $145. If you are not wearing them for 10 days ( for the reasons mentioned above), then you will have to buy 2-3 replacement packs per week ($20). At this point you might as well get extensions.

Traditional extensions (top). DIY extensions (bottom).